Welcome to Doncaster DPSS provided by Purple
Purple DPSS has launched in Doncaster supporting Service Users utilising a Personal Budget through a Direct Payment through the new Doncaster Direct Payment Support Service.
Purple has a long history of providing Direct Payment and Personal Health Budget support services across the UK and is delighted to be working with Doncaster Council in delivering this service.

Being the Boss : Workshops for Individual Employers and those receiving Direct Payments
“Being the Boss” online workshops for Doncaster Direct Payment holders, tailored to support individual employers and those receiving Direct Payments. These free Zoom sessions, delivered by experts – Anne Pridmore and Iggy Patel, supported by Bringing Us Together and Adult Social Care Warriors cover a range of crucial topics, including understanding the law, PA recruitment, care planning, and maintaining your well-being as an employer.
You’ll gain practical advice, access to useful resources, and the confidence to manage your responsibilities effectively. Each workshop provides a safe space to share experiences, learn with others, and find solutions. Recordings will be available for those who cannot attend live.
For further information and booking email: karen@bringingustogether.org.uk .
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Purple DPSS contact details
Paula Chapman and Kelly Lightfoot – Employment and Advice Officers :
Jenny Rodgers – Account Manager:
Payroll query (employed PAs) doncasterpayroll@wearepurple.org.uk
Invoice query (self-employed, agency) doncasterinvoices@wearepurple.org.uk
To contact us by phone: Please dial the main line for Purple DPSS on 01302245721
and follow the options to connect with our team for assistance.
If your call is unanswered, please leave a message. All missed calls are regularly monitored and returned as soon as possible.

"Be Well" Doncaster : Wellbeing peer groups in Doncaster
Meet and share your experiences with people in a similar situation and find the advice and support you need.
- Mexborough Community Hub, Mexborough – Fourth Thursday of the month, 10am – 11.30am View event dates
- Stainforth Resource Centre, Stainforth – Fourth Thursday of the month, 10-11.30am View event dates

Get Doncaster moving - activities

Northern individual Employer and Personal Assistant network
Next meeting date: Tuesday 03 December 2024
This network run by Skills for Care is for anyone in the North East, North West or Yorkshire and Humber areas, who are individual employers or personal assistants (PAs) or who have an interest in supporting individual employers and personal assistants including user led organisations, direct payment support organisations, personal health budget teams, social workers, and local authority workforce development officers.
It will be an opportunity to share good practice, highlight new and innovative ways of working and provide opportunities to support and network with others.
The first half hour of each meeting will be for informal networking and meeting agenda items will start at 14:30.
The topics and meeting programme for each network session will be confirmed and communicated nearer the time.
Future network meeting dates:
Tuesday 03 December 2024
Thursday 13 March 2025
Introduction to Direct Payments
Direct Payments are payments made to a disabled person (or a representative of their choosing) into a bank account or prepaid card. These payments are made in advance, usually every four weeks. They enable people to purchase and arrange their own support to meet their needs. The aim of direct payments is to give people more choice, greater flexibility and more control over the support they get.
People can use their direct payments to choose how to have their care provided. Many people choose a Personal Assistant (PA) as a solution to their care needs. Some choose to use a care agency.
Direct Payments can be made to people of all ages. For children and young people under 16, payments are made to an adult who has parental responsibility.
You can receive Direct Payments if:
- You have been assessed as needing social care services to support you with daily living
- You have a disability with social care needs
- You consent to receiving a Direct Payment and either you or your representative can manage the payment
You can only receive a Direct Payment if Doncaster Council has assessed you as needing support to live independently.
During the assessment, they will determine:
- The estimated cost of your required care, which correlates with your Direct Payment.
- Whether you require financial assistance.
A member of Doncaster Council’s Adult Social Care and Support team would be more than happy to talk to you about Direct Payments and access support needs.
You can get in touch by visiting: https://www.doncaster.gov.uk/doitonline/contact-adult-social-care
Phone: 01302 737391 (between 8:30 am and 5 pm, Monday to Friday)
If you, or someone on your behalf (a representative) apply for care and support Doncaster Council will offer you a financial assessment to check whether you are eligible for any financial help from the council towards the costs of your social care and support.
The financial assessment uses the legislation and guidance produced by the Department of Health for this purpose.
If you take up the offer of a financial assessment, Doncaster Council will need to know about your income including things such as pensions and any other state benefits you claim, savings, investments, land and property. Doncaster Council will also offer you a welfare benefits check to make sure you are receiving all the benefits you are able to apply for.
If you do not want a financial assessment it will be assumed by Doncaster Council that you are able to pay for your care in full and you will not receive any financial help towards your care fees.
After your financial assessment is completed, Doncaster Council will let you know how much (if any) financial assistance you are eligible for and how much of your own money you will need to contribute, towards the cost of your care.
The financial assessment will take into account:
- your current income – this includes any earnings, state pension, works pension and any benefits you receive
- your ‘assets’ – this includes things such as savings, investments, land and property
For more information about Financial Assessments for Care and Support, contact the Doncaster Council Finance Assessment Team:
Telephone: 01302 735336
Email: FinAssess1@doncaster.gov.uk
Write to Doncaster Council
Doncaster Council
Financial Assessment Team
Civic Office, Waterdale
Doncaster, DN1 3BU
In person
Civic Office Customer Service Centre, Waterdale
Doncaster, DN1 3BU
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday
8:30am – 5:00pm
Personal budgets and personalisation allow people who need support to have more choice and control about how they are provided.
Doncaster Council has been an “early adopter” of social care personal budgets. Where parents have been assessed as needing a short break, the arrangements for short breaks have been increasingly personalised and this often includes the use of direct payments. It will continue to be the case that where there is an assessed need for a short break or other social care need that this will still be provided under the Children’s Act 1989 and associated regulations and this will usually be within a personal budget and in many cases using direct payments. These can still be accessed whether there is an Education, Health and Care Plan or not. The Children and Families Act 2014 introduces personal budgets across Education and Health, which can be combined with social care personal budgets.
The wider scope of a personal budget will only be available where an Education, Health and Care Plan is in place. Personal budgets will not be appropriate for every child with a disability. All provision will be on the basis of assessed need.
Where it is agreed that the outcomes associated with such assessed needs may be made by means of personal budgets, including direct payments, then a personal budget will be put in place.
It should be noted that personal budgets are also available in Adult Social Care therefore 18 – 25 year olds may continue to have a free-standing Adult social care personal budget but this could be aligned into a wider personal budget IF the young adult has an Education, Health and Care Plan.
For further information please contact Doncaster Council’s team using the details below:
- Telephone: 01302 737448
- Email: CWB@doncaster.gov.uk
For information about applying for Direct Payments (Adults):
Call: 01302 737391
Online contact form:
In person visit:
The One Stop Shop Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster DN1 3BU

Employment advice and guidance (EAG)
We offer independent information, advice and guidance to support you through the process of employing your own PA, assisting with:
- Recruitment of a PA
- Advertising
- Payroll service information
- Contracts of employment
- DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) checks
- Reference checks
- Employers liability insurance
- Budgeting
- Support with completing auditing information
Recruiting a Personal Assistant

Purple Match : Our PA recruitment service
- Introducing “Purple Match” – our innovative service for connecting Direct Payment holders with suitable Personal Assistants
- Access to register of Personal Assistants
- Dedicated recruitment team assistance in finding ideal match
- Collaborative approach to understanding the unique requirements of a role
- Help in creating compelling job advertisements on “Purple Match” job board

Becoming a Personal Assistant
- Submit your vacancy request here
Vacancy sent to Purple Match Hertfordshire register
PA’s on register submit interest
Interested PA profiles sent directly to you
Arrange interviews/meets directly with PA
Additional secure PA information sent once job offer is made
e.g., NI number, date of birth, gender, completed document checks
Employed PA (PAYE)
- The Employer (direct payment holder) provides a contract that details the terms and conditions of employment including PA benefits and disciplinary procedures.
- The PA must perform their work personally and cannot send someone else to do this.
The Employer (direct payment holder) self directs the support they wish to receive from the PA in line with their care and support plan. - The PA is paid through Pay As You Earn (PAYE) and National Insurance payments will be made on their behalf by the PA Employer.
- The PA will receive statutory benefits, such as statutory sick pay.
The Employer (direct payment holder) must enrol eligible PA’s into a pension scheme and provide holiday pay. - The Employer (direct payment holder) will take out Employers Liability Insurance which can be paid for from the direct payments.
Self Employed PA
- Responsibility of the person receiving support to check self-employed status.
- The self-employed PA and the person receiving support mutually agreeing terms & conditions and how support is provided – Purple can provide a template Contract for Services.
- If determined not self-employed, then there may be financial liability (i.e. a Tax liability) for the person receiving support and the PA.
- Self-employed PA’s will have own Unique Tax Reference (UTR) number from HMRCs.
- There is an initial period, during which sole traders may not yet have a UTR number.
- The PA is not entitled to sick or holiday pay which may mean the person receiving support can pay the PA a higher hourly rate.
- Less administration as self-employed PA’s are responsible to pay their own Tax, NI, Pension and organise their own liability insurance. It’s advisable to ask for a copy this insurance.
Doncaster Direct Payments toolkit

Community Conversation Points in Doncaster
Community Conversation Points serve as spaces for locals to engage with dedicated volunteers and Council personnel, sparking discussions about their aspirations in various aspects of life: from care and support to housing, environment, and community involvement.
At these points, individuals receive tailored support to craft plans that enhance their overall well-being and foster independence for as long as possible.
Conveniently located in community hubs throughout Doncaster, Community Conversation Points, also known as Community Led Support (CLS) Hubs, stand ready to assist residents in articulating and achieving their needs with the help of community groups, volunteers, and diverse services and agencies.
Training opportunities for your Personal Assistant (PA):
Why Is Training Important?
Providing training for Personal Assistants (PAs) is crucial for several reasons:
- Safety: Ensures that PAs can work safely and effectively.
- Insurance Compliance: Meets the requirements set by the employer’s insurer.
- Skill Development: Enhances job performance and allows PAs to develop their skills.
- Confidence and Achievement: Builds confidence and fosters a sense of accomplishment.
- Job Satisfaction: Increases job enjoyment and encourages PAs to continue in their roles.
What Training Is Available?
Doncaster Council offers a wide range of training in Health and Social Care topics, including Moving and Handling, Safeguarding Adults, Healthy Eating, and more. A comprehensive training guide is available upon request from the Adult Workforce Team. You can reach them at 01302 736576.
Qualifications Offered
- Care Certificate: Includes core mandatory units along with optional units tailored to specific job roles.
- Diploma in Health and Social Care: The Level 2 and 3 Diplomas in Health and Social Care (Adults) feature a specific pathway for Personal Assistants, validating competence in essential areas of care. For more information, contact AWFT@doncaster.gov.uk or call 01302 737806.
Funding Opportunities
Financial support is available to cover expenses such as travel costs, temporary staff while a PA attends training, or additional training that may not be free. For more details, visit Skills for Care or call 0113 241 1275. You can also email funding@skillsforcare.org.uk to apply.
Getting Started
To begin, you’ll need to set up a login for Doncaster Council’s Learning Zone, where you can explore available training options and register for courses. To request setup, email awft@doncaster.gov.uk or call 01302 736576.

5 Steps to wellbeing : Doncaster
Evidence suggests there are 5 steps you can take to help improve your mental health and wellbeing. These these are to connect, be active, take notice, keep learning and give to others. Doncaster council has created a useful resource to learn more.